During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, neurons in the cortex alternate between periods of spiking (UP state) and periods of inactivity
(DOWN state). In the current post, I have described how to detect UP and DOWN state within NREM epochs. Acknowledgements Dr. Justin
Shobe for providing me the test dataset; detect_peaks
library by Marcos Duarte. NOTE This script is just a starting script and
there are other ways of going about solving the problem (Markov models
). The script is available HERE.
Load the raw LFP data along with the sampling rate (Fs)
Bandpass filter the data in 0.1-12 Hz.
Compute delta/theta power ratio (P_relative) to detect NREM and REM epochs. delta: 0-4Hz, theta: 7-12Hz
Compute epochs where the power ratio >=
mean + 0.25*std of the P_relative
and mark them as NREM epochs. Relative power threshold should be modified as per the data (high white line in 2nd row image, 1st row: green background=NREM, yellow=REM). -
Load the spiking data and calculate the sum of spikes from all the cells in time bins of 25ms. Time bin-width should be tested for individual datasets.
Set an
up-state detection threshold = 5 spikes
andfalloff threshold =
1 spike`. -
Use the up-state detection threshold and falloff threshold to calculate the up-state and down-state start and end timestamps.
Remove putative up-states and down-state which do not lie between the duration threshold (‘magenta’ color in 3rd and 4th row marks the up-state epoch).
I hope this analysis will be a great starting point for everyone who wants to deep dive into the sleep replay literature.